Daley Hill Insurance Advisor in Ann Arbor, MI

Daley Hill is the principal and founder of HIA and HIA Financial Services. He earned his MBA in Finance at Eastern Michigan University and has since earned numerous professional insurance designations, such as Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU), Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) and Licensed Insurance Counselor. Daley has over 30 years of experience partnering with business owners and individuals to satisfy all of their health insurance, life insurance, and retirement plan needs.

Health Insurance Administration, Inc.

Employee Benefit Plan Design & Administration Since 1976

HIA-Financial-storefrontHealth Insurance Administration, Inc. (HIA) is an independent financial and insurance agency, specializing in the strategic design and administration of employer sponsored benefit plans. Every company is unique and every person is unique, and it’s a strategic business and financial decision to offer employee benefits in order to retain talent and grow the business. At HIA, we understand that sometimes a GOOD decision may not be the RIGHT decision for you, which is why we have partnered with thousands of small business owners and human resource directors since 1986 to provide direction on the right decisions for your business, the right benefit plans, and at the right time. We represent and have experience with all the insurance companies in the state of Michigan and more, so our clients find comfort in knowing that we work for you to get the best possible coverage and plan rates that fit your company.

Our knowledgeable staff strives to provide the highest level of customer service. Our firm is represented by associates who foster the reputation of integrity, quality and dependability that has long been expected of and provided by HIA. Benefit plan packages that our staff has over 50 years of combined experience in include: fully insured and partially self-insured health, medical, dental, life, and disability employee benefits, Section 125 Cafeteria Plans or Flexible Spending Accounts, Health Savings Accounts, and Health Reimbursement Accounts.

Count on HIA to stay up-to-date with this ever-changing industry of government regulations and health care reform as well as all of the insurance carriers coverage plan types and specifics.

HIA Financial Services

An independent firm

HIA Financial Services is a premier financial services firm that works to educate its clients on the comprehensive significance (and the enduring benefits attained through proper employment) of  sound financial decisions.

As a leader in strategic insurance and financial services, HIA Financial Services incorporates a range of complementary processes, strategies and services to manage risk, minimize taxation and fees, engineer financial efficiencies, and optimize the wealth creation, management, and income distribution phases of an individual’s life.

We believe in safe money, meaning we only work with money or accounts that are not exposed to the risk of the open market.
We believe in a reasonable rate of return, averaging between 6 and 8 percent.
And we believe in simple: if you can’t understand it, you shouldn’t own it. 

Until recently, most people have focused their financial perspective almost entirely on the rate of return on their investment money, and accelerated repayments of their mortgages. Now, their biggest concerns are:

  •    How do I get back the money (and equity) I lost?
  •    How do I not lose the money I currently have?
  •    How do I make sure I don’t run out of living expense cash?

Regardless of your current financial situation or background, we can help you find and build wealth through financial strategies that safely and predictably increase money that was previously sitting dormant in their home equity, 401(k)s, IRAs, saving accounts and other assets. Our principals have helped thousands of individuals and families over four decades secure their financial freedom, and to grow wealth through successful equity management strategies.