HIA Financial Services

Retirement Planning – Planning for your future

There are four phases of investing for the future:
     (1) contribution,
     (2) accumulation,
     (3) distributionand 
     (4) withdrawal

Within each of these phases, taking risk off the table in order to secure your savings as well as a piece of mind by using safe financial instruments is a critical element of our unique strategies. There are thousands of Americans risking their own savings in the stock market and other securities without knowing the true advantages of life insurance used as an investment vehicle.

Planning for retirement is considered to be one of the largest lump sums of money a person will need to save for, depending on his or her retirement age and life expectancy.

Regardless of your financial status or where you stand in planning for your future, our team of advisors can help you achieve your goals of creating, building, distributing and enjoying your wealth. There is no cost for a one-on-one meeting.

Tax Free Retirement

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Protection against retirement risk

Life insurance can protect you and your family from financial risk at any age, but what about retirement? Life insurance can protect your family and provide asset protection at any age, and actually have the greatest tax advantages of any vehicle that you have access to in retirement. It can even protect you against the most common risks a person faces at retirement. Is your portfolio implementing solutions to address some of the most concerning risks you’ll face at retirement?

Longevity Risk 
The risk that someone will outlive their wealth and available income. Longevity risk can potentially be managed using insured solutions such as immediate annuities, deferred fixed‐indexed or variable annuities with living benefit riders.

Entitlement Risk
The risk that government programs such as Social Security or Medicare will not offer sufficient protection for retirement. Entitlement risk can be managed by increased personal saving and investing and using insured solutions.

Excess Withdrawal Risk 
The risk that an individual will draw down assets too quickly and undermine their retirement plan. Excess withdrawal risk can be managed by preparing a well‐developed plan that includes a clear understanding of retirement expenses and available sources of income.

Market Risk
The risk of losing invested wealth, either temporarily or permanently, because of a market turndown or poor investment performance. Market risk can be managed through diversification of savings and investments, including the use of insured solutions to provide stability and assurance of income irrespective of market results.

Lifestyle Risk
The risk that there is not sufficient income to maintain the current or expected standard of living during retirement. Lifestyle risk can be managed through disciplined savings, sound budgeting and planning, and including sustainable income sources such as immediate or deferred income annuities as part of a diversified investment approach.

Asset Allocation Risk
The risk of investing either too conservatively or too aggressively and not adequately diversifying assets to sustain a portfolio across market cycles. Asset allocation risk can be managed through the assistance of an experienced investment professional, through the diversification of assets, and by including insured solutions as part of the investment mix.

Sequence of Returns Risk
The risk of receiving low or negative returns in early years of drawing down a retirement portfolio and increasing the potential of running out of money prematurely. Sequence of returns risk can be managed by sound planning as well as through the use of insured annuity products and other guaranteed solutions.

Inflation Risk
The risk that rising costs will undermine purchasing power over time. Inflation risk can be managed through insured solutions that offer inflation adjustments, through portfolio diversification, and by proper financial planning.

Medical Expense Risk
The risk of paying for the growing coast of health care related services in retirement. Medical expense risk can be managed through including risk protection solutions such as Long Term Care insurance or Asset‐Based Long Term Care as part of a broad financial plan.

Tax Risk
The risk that rising taxes or unforeseen tax consequences can have on a portfolio or on purchasing power. Tax risk can be managed using tax‐deferred and tax efficient investment solutions and by seeking guidance from a tax professional.

Personal or Event Risk
The risk that an unexpected change in family circumstances (divorce, death, adult children returning home) may undermine anticipated retirement plans. Personal or event risk can be managed through preparation of a financial plan and by establishing reserve or rainy day funds that can be used for emergencies.

Incapacity Risk
The risk that as a result of deteriorating health, a retiree may not be able to execute sound judgment in managing their financial affairs. Incapacity risk can be managed through having tools such as wills, trusts, and power of attorney provisions in place at the time of retirement, if not before.